The Will To Win Is Not Worth Much Unless You Have the Will To Prepare To Win. Stay tuned.
Business driven design for the digital now. That’s me.
Hi, I am Uwe Jakob. A creative, a designer, a mentor, an impulse and an inventor when it’s about digital. Currently I’am supporting some agencies and brands becoming more digital day by day. As I’ am inherently obsessed with innovation I’am constantly looking for new challenges and digital business opportunities. I believe that classic design creates ads, brands and fans. But digital design is able to achieve much more: It has the power to disrupt, change and enhance your business - or even create a whole new one. Every day. Only through the smart combination of data, technology, human insights, creativity and human centered design. That’s how I won more than 350 awards and became accidentally a business creator during the last 20 years of my career.
Enjoy a selection of my business and creative cases. Please get in contact if you share my passion for digital life and innovation.
Schaeffler SalesTool
Schaeffler SalesTool helps Schaeffler's sales representatives to increase their performance significantly during a sales conversation. They can create own presentations with always up to date slides and content, see every relevant Schaeffler media asset and showcase the whole product portfolio within a 3D visualizer.
Fressnapf, Europe's biggest pet supplier, developed the world's first Mecosystem that tracks dogs' activity in realtime. Based on that information it shows the owner the perfect amount of food and activity needed.
The patented SmartBowl consists of the intelligent feeding bowl with an integrated scale and LED display, the interactive SmartCollar with motion sensor and the SmartBowl app. The integrated scale in the feeding bowl tracks the dog's feeding habit. The SmartCollar with its integrated motion sensor tracks the dog's activity. Both send the data to the SmartBowl app on the owner's smartphone. The app processes the data and translates it into the dog's needs
Back to Vinyl - The Office Turntable
Kontor wanted to promote the new Boris Dlugosch track. But they were targeting the world’s most un-impressible audience: agency creative directors. We had to find a way to get through to every single one of them, so that they would actually listen to the new Kontor release. Just like every good DJ knows – the answer is real vinyl. Together with vinyl disc, we mailed a ‘turntable’ – made from envelope and a QR code. The combination of smart modern technology with retro cool technology achieved this beautifully and struck a real chord with creative directors. Analogue fun with digital device.
The unique design and sensory brand experience of the NESCAFÉ Scent Alarm is immediately recognised by young guests – perceived as surprising, new and convenient. The alarm and coffee making aspect was quickly taken up, leading to a positive perception change about NESCAFÉ product quality. Based on these results, a wider production run with expanded functionality is currently being planned, extending the capacity and providing direct connection with smartphones. Letting us bring the NESCAFÉ Scent Alarm home to our users and entertain them 365 days a year with a delightful wake up experience.
IKEA - Hej Communtiy
The IKEA hej community is the ideal promotional platform because: The user can decorate virtually using IKEA products. The user can print out products from his space onto a shopping list. Users can vote democratically on which product should go on special next. Users can really experience the IKEA brand. The interior decorating prowess of IKEA is on display online. IKEA fans can design their own space on the internet too.
Moto Waganari Directing Shadows
The Japanese Artist Moto Waganari asked us to build a virtual show- and salesroom for his filigree polygon sculptures. How - we asked us - can the two dimensional screen display the beauty of these objects? They only come to life with light and space, we thought. Experience the sculptures in their play of light and shadow, hear the artist´s thoughts, and place your purchase order right away.
German Rail - Fan-Avatar-Generator
Nearly everybody turns into a football fan when the European Football Championships begins. Thanks to the fan avatar generator everybody could support and show their favorite team on social media. 18,9 billion possibilities for combinations allowed everybody to create their perfect identical digital twin. Hundreds of thousands did exactly that. ans created profile pictures and animated posts, followed by comments, shares and likes. That helped us go viral. Although the whole social media event was actually a proper sales promotion. For the Winners RailCard. Because everybody who built an avatar, was at any time only one click away from buying a RailCard.
o2 Urban Mood
o2 always cares about making people happier. To see in realtime how happy Germany truly is we invented Germanys first sentiment detector: the Urban Mood by o2. It measures and visualizes the mood of Germanys biggest cities, based on social media posts and local information. Not factually as data visualization is normally done - but emotionally and compassionately.
Sony Playstation - Heart Race
To promote the latest version of WipeOut Pulse, we developed a smart game device that measures the players heart rate. Depending on how high the pulse is, the more difficult the game gets.
Zeiss - Lens Test Drive
An iPad App that makes immediately visible what a ZEISS lens does – even without a camera. Features and benefits of each and every lens can be easily demonstrated. Over 12,000 photos taken by ZEISS users from the ZEISS flickr community give a real authentic proof.
Sony PlayStation - GT5 Showdown
Online campaing for the launch of the new version of Gran Toursimo 5.
Nescafé - WakeUp App
The NESCAFÉ WakeUp app is the first social alarm clock. The mobile app stops the acoustic torture of mobile alarm every morning by replacing pre-set mobile alarms with creative wake up videos messages. Using Facebook, users can record and share their wake up videos from their friends around the world. The design was directly derived from NESCAFÉ’s iconic brand elements. They are guiding intuitively through the app – making it possible to reduce explanations and keeping focus on the recorded or received videos. OUTCOME North Africa launched the NESCAFÉ WakeUp app and generated thousands of WakeUp videos within the first days. 17% of all in-app vouchers were redeemed online. Singapore, Malaysia and parts of Europe will be the next regions in the world
To promote advertising space in newspapers we invented a compony. A company with the mission to develop and push media solutions that are even more pushy, reckless and tasteless than the ones already existing: CPU – Consumer Penetration Unlimited. CPU was the complete opposite of the valuable and and relaxed advertising platform called newspaper. To make CPU even more weird and at the same time authentic we "hired" Carsten Heintzsch. One of Germany's most well-known creative heads.
– Change is our lifeblood –
Moto Waganari - Real Virtuality
The artist Moto Waganari asked us to develop a digital show and sales room for his filigree polygon sculptures. The virtual gallery should give his art the right amount of space to let true fascination unfold, and arouse real purchase interest.
– stagnation our deathknell –
LZG - Toothbrush game
The National German Center for Health Information asked us to help make children understand the importance of regular teeth brushing and encourage them to get into the habit of regular brushing. With our app we convinced kids that teeth brushing can be fun: with the Toothbrush Games. The game is activated by the sound of the toothbrush. The child is instantly transported into the role of a firefighter, who extinguishes fires with the foam created by brushing.
Jever - Fun Rauszeit
A platform for people who wanna spend more casual sports activity with friends and funsport enthusiasts.
Ogilvy Reel`16
Enjoy a cutdown of the fantastic work of all german Ogilvy offices.
Coca Cola - Return to Santa
Every year millions of letters addressed to Santa never arrive, simply because the post office doesn’t know where Santa lives. But Coca-Cola does. So we turned the Coke-bottle into a Christmas wishlist and used the typical machines of the German bottle recycling system as Santa’s mailbox. Each Coke label invited people to make a wish for someone else and return the bottle to a bottle recycling machine. Inside the machine, the labels were scanned and sent to the Coke website - where senders saw when Santa received the wishes and fulfilled the loveliest ones.
Mezzo Mix - Das kann nur ein echter Kuss.
This Mezzo Mix TVC expresses what in boy and girl heads happen during a real kiss. :-*
Cisco - Boooming
Call the website, play "booom" - and experience the power of a converged Cisco IP-Communication network.The website has to create awareness for Cisco IP-Communication solutions before and during the FIFA soccer world championship. Technical and Business Decision Makers shall become more aware of the main feature of this technology: integrating telephones into a converged IT-network. So, get your telephone ready and see what happens.
Nescafé - Content Ping Pong
NESCAFÉ, the world’s leading coffee brand, enjoys daily popularity and love with millions offline. Coming from a history of constant evolvement, a new key objective emerged: to generate engagement online in the most creative way and on the most popular social media platforms.The task constituted of establishing a connection with social media users and transforming offline popularity into engagement the global NESCAFÉ Facebook, Twitter, and Vine channel. We came up with a 100% social idea based on the very essence of social media itself: turn every day content posts into a game between NESCAFÉ and its friends.
o2 - MoneyTree
The O2 Advantage-Combo promotion built rapid awareness of a money-saving offer by creating a real-world money tree and then used online/social media to popularise consumer reaction to it. A QR Code on a flyer that accompanied each banknote on the money tree and a link in the viral video led to a website that activated people to take advantage of the offer by changing their mobile contract with one simple click.
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